White Democrats have controlled America’s black population since 1619 to 1865 as owners; 1865 to 1965 through Jim Crow laws; and 1965 to the present day on Democrat-contrived and controlled “Uncle Sam Plantations” in America’s inner cities. And that’s what I could never understand: Why do black people always defer to Democrat politicians? LBJ proposed the Great Society welfare state with the specific goal to create inner city reservations, and destroy the black population just as the feds had destroyed the American Indian tribes. Current statistics reveal that it worked like a charm, as LBJ intended: In 1965 the US Black population was 16%; now it is barely 10%. White Democrats to blame.
Most liberal socialists DO look down on blacks as incompetent, untrainable, lazy buffoons who make great entertainers; remember Bill Clinton and his “coffee-fetcher” jibe on Obama. Liberal-progressive-Alinskyite-socialists see themselves as benevolent “Masters” of not only blacks, but of all uninformed, unenlightened masses. Democrats would turn on Blacks in a New York minute, if it were politically convenient and would much rather appropriate those BILLIONS wasted on welfare, to their true pet project, which has always been on enriching themselves (just where DID all those Jon Corzine billions disappear to in New Jersey?) Those darned white Democrats again.
Patricia L. Dickson, an accomplished black lady, is not one to shirk responsibility in standing up for equal rights, but her approach is not quite what you’d expect. I encourage her to keep up the fight, as I too sometimes get disgusted with how the aforementioned liberal-progressive-Alinskyite-Democrats take black Americans for granted, expecting blind allegiance in return for the bribery of government largess. The Democrat Party has done nothing but enslave, oppress, segregate, and (most recently) incentivize sloth in the black population through a myriad of redistribution programs. Ms Dickson however, reminds of Harriet Tubman who famously commented that she could have liberated more blacks from the south if they had realized they were slaves. As for the white liberals whom she has encountered, they are no more than small-minded, condescending, patronizing, brainwashed white guilt appeasers who frankly need to be re-educated by Ms Dickson however and whenever she can. White Democrats and their racist black hypocrisy.
And on that note, let’s segue` right into her piece from American Thinker…
On any given day of the week, one can turn on the liberal media and hear how the Democrat Party is the one party that cares for black Americans. Liberal pundits such as Chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, and of course Al Sharpton are forever fighting the purportedly racist Republicans on behalf of black Americans.
Just a few weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi told Americans that Republicans were trying to take food out the mouths of black Americans by cutting food stamps. She then stated that 50% of food stamp recipients are black Americans.
And let us not forget that the Democrats are fighting hard against the supposedly racist voter ID laws on behalf of the poor blacks who are either unable or too stupid to get an ID card in 2014. When Newt Gingrich called President Obama “the food stamp President” during a presidential debate in 2012, both Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell immediately thought of black people and accused him of racism.
As a black American, it is infuriating for me to listen to white Democrats’ claims of helping blacks when all they are doing is making sure that blacks remain dependent upon Government handouts. That stance reveals what they really think about black Americans.
Has anyone noticed that whenever Democrats give campaign speeches in black neighborhoods, their speeches never inspire or uplift? The Democrat politicians (and race-baiters) all say the same things in speech after speech.The deck is stacked against you, the rich are greedy, and whitey is out to get you. Democrat politicians never encourage black Americans to get some kind of formal education in order to get a good job so that they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty. You will almost never hear a Democrat utter the term “self-sufficient.” Democrats will help sign up poor blacks for food stamps and welfare; they will have a voter registration table at the social service office, but they wouldn’t dare send someone from the local community colleges to set up a table at that same office.