Seems like I’m in some pretty good company with what I described in my yesterday’s SONday blog about the goings-on over at the WHCA dinner this past Saturday night; held of all places, at the Washington Hilton, (which thankfully, wasn’t the Trump International).
As Thomas Lifson opened up in his American Thinker today:
“Trump-haters just can’t help themselves, as was demonstrated at the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) dinner Saturday night. At that annual affair, a mean-spirited, vulgar presentation by purported comedian Michelle Wolf, attacking press secretary Sarah Sanders in very personal terms as she sat nearby, has triggered blowback of significant magnitude. It was so offensive that the president of the association, Bloomberg’s Margaret Talev, was forced to denounce it after hearing from her membership and realizing how much sympathy it was creating for Sanders and her boss, President Trump.”
“Last night’s program was meant to offer a unifying message about our common commitment to a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great reporting and scholarship winners, not to divide people,” said WHCA President Margaret Talev.
“Unfortunately, the entertainer’s monologue was not in the spirit of that mission.”
Talev, a reporter for Bloomberg News, wrote that many journalists in attendance on Saturday night for the annual correspondents’ dinner reached out to her and expressed their “dismay” with Wolf’s monologue, which was widely panned by people on both sides of the aisle.
Once upon a time, the WHCA was a lighthearted romp that allowed for a fun evening and actually built rapport between the White House and the Press Corps. Over the years (and especially since the deranged Clinton syndrome appeared on the scene) that has been irreparably damaged. The sheer audacity, utter contempt and unabashed egos on display Saturday evening, illustrated that the press (again) have a complete disconnect from the people they are supposed to be reporting to, and for. The hatred, intolerance and contempt for anyone that doesn’t fit their agenda is openly savaged.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders showed enormous grace, dignity and character to sit through that vulgar display, staring down the bully and today coming forth as the winner. The ‘comedian’ and those who hired her are being shown for what they truly are – specious and hateful. Typical liberal, progressive, DemoMarxist attributes on display.
Keep up the good work guys and gals. You are making President Trump’s reelection easier day by day.
For full Lifson commentary simply click here…
See also: White House Correspondents cop out