Tucker Carlson: of reason and truth

Go ahead, make my..

Tucker Carlson: of reason and truth, which led me to my morning devotional, Isaiah 53:6 … All we like sheep have gone astray…

Which in turn led me to the following observation … As a matter of habit yours truly is in and out of my local Tom Thumb store like every other day, in between Sam’s Club, WallyMart and other havens of grocery-store commerce. Been regularly doing that since Moses was a baby; no mask, no gloves, everybody knows everybody. I see the same faces in there every time I go, sometimes even neighbors from up the street. And we generally have some good chats in between times.

I can fully report that not one of them have contracted this rogue virus. And, as you’re probably aware, grocery stores (both out front and in back) employ a lot of retirees, door-greeters, aisle-directors, cashiers etc., etc. I’ve heard nothing by the way, on the local news wrap about any issues in the stores. Other than the fact apparently, that we’re living in a time when politicians for some strange reason think they can dictate to us what is essential and what is nonessential.

Tucker Carlson mirrors George Orwell…

The plain fact of the matter is that we haven’t seen grocery store employees dropping like flies. They’re actually as cordial as ever. Bright, cheerful, and helpful. On the other hand, the ‘negativity’ numbers simply don’t add up.

‘Testing’ serves no useful purpose, other than making diagnoses more accurate. But people are too busy worrying about themselves to listen. Now that we’re possibly on the verge of a years long depression (God forbid!) people finally begin to awaken, trusting and hoping that it isn’t too late to save the economy and the nation. It wouldn’t hurt either, to track down who was responsible in the first place for this attack upon the world (wink, wink) and deal with them.

It all started we’re told, with a spreading corona virus in China, which likely was an accidental release, but who really knows. Fact is ‘a group’ (another wink, wink!) jumped on it, took advantage of the situation, and using a combination of the international media and political leadership of various nations, shut down society and the world economy.

And so it goes …

‘Sundance’, Conservative Treehouse: ‘Tucker Carlson Questions the Wisdom of the Lock-down’…

During his opening monologue [last night] Fox News host Tucker Carlson outline[d] how the Wuhan Virus has led to an authoritarian police state without any real basis in science.

“It is easier to be fooled, than to convince people they have been fooled.” Mark Twain.

What Carlson alludes to, though he didn’t specifically connect-the-dot, is the reality of how some sectors of the U.S. economy (the supermarket industry) have continued without issue. That factual reality doesn’t reconcile with the doomsday claims.

No other business segment within the economy is as exposed to the population as the retail food business; and yet supermarkets operated without issue.

There are few high-traffic businesses more densely populated than grocery stores.  In fact, within the U.S. economy retail supermarkets have the highest foot traffic of any business sector in the entire economy; that’s just an empirical fact…. and the coronavirus impact increased that foot traffic by an average of 40 percent.  Now, stop and think about this logically & apply a large dose of common sense. Think about human-to-human interface.

♦First, with approximately 90 percent of the total U.S. population penetrating through grocery outlets; and with 100% of that massive number of consumers going through checkout lanes; if the COVID-19 viral strain was as significant as claimed by the worst-case data, then supermarket cashiers would have been the highest exposed profession of U.S. workers in the entire nation.  There wouldn’t even be a close second place.

Considering that metric; and considering the overall population penetration & density within the business operation; there has not been an employee-based business disruption due to the coronavirus.  Put another way: the coronavirus has not stopped the function of the highest human interface occupation in the entire U.S. economy.

Full link, including Tucker Carlson video, down below…

Tucker Carlson in step with president Trump…

What we have learned from all of this is that the bulk of the US and world population is essentially stupid. They believed the news media, even when the media put out contradictory or even nonsensical information. We have learned that the news media can’t be trusted to accurately report facts. We have learned that our politicians are either total incompetent boobs or are owned by some groups which want to destroy the world. We have learned that our supposed experts are also wither incompetent boobs, in the pocket of groups which want to destroy the world or think that they can make money off a manufactured crisis. In other words, we have all learned that we can not trust those people who we have trusted or been taught to trust.

Since grocery stores, liquor stores, and the like are places were large gatherings of people have taken place since forever, and they continue their daily operations, what is the infection/hospitalization/death rate of employees in those locations? One would think that rates for those groups would be considerably higher than the population of the quarantined. Funny we don’t see any statistics on that group.

But somehow, just a few days ago, some fake news story emerges about the recent Wisconsin voting population where MAYBE six people came down with CV, but they really don’t know for sure, yet it’s enough to claim that we should be voting by mail. So an unproved story is fine for cancelling voting in person, but using hydroxychloroquine successfully with thousands of patients isn’t scientific enough! Go figure.

As I said in my morning devotional … All we like sheep have gone astray… 

Time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald J. Trump – MAGA! KAG!


‘Sundance’, Conservative Treehouse: Tucker Carlson Questions the Wisdom of the Lock-down

See also Jack Hellner, American Thinker: Journalists Are a Gullible bunch on COVID-19

Andrea Widburg, American Thinker: Social Media Overlords Stifle Wuhan virus Defense

2 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson: of reason and truth

  1. Dennis, I believe that the Globalist are preparing people’s minds that it won’t be safe to vote in person, and that it will have to be done through mail in votes. Ripe for fixing an election!

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