The serendipity of Bill China-Gates

Go ahead, make my..

The serendipity of ‘Bill China-Gates’ includes Drs. Fauci and Birx both, on one or more of the various Gates Foundation boards. Which tells you a whole lot about the current Coronavirus situation. Gates has a lot of pull in the medical world, not least of which is a multi-million dollar relationship with Fauci, who originally took the Gates line supporting vaccines and casting doubt on Hydroxychloroquine. Which by the way, has proven itself magnificently. But you’d hardly know it.

Coronavirus response team member Dr. Birx, appointed by former president #44 to serve as United States Global AIDS Coordinator, also sits on the board of a group that has received billions from Gates’ foundation, and reportedly used a disputed Bill Gates-funded model for the White House Coronavirus effort.

Gates is a big proponent for a population lockdown scenario for the Coronavirus outbreak, so as you can imagine, there’s quite a nastiness around it all. ‘Extreme Social Distancing’ (a totally made-up meme if ever there was one!) was added to the W.H.O. list of recommended pandemic responses, just in time for Fauci to decide towards the latter end of 2019, to spring on America. As people with more than half a brain have figured out, ‘Social Distancing’ is absurd, and shouldn’t even be considered in the recovery. It mandates that all members of the Human Race must avoid each other; as if we’re the only species on the planet ‘smart enough’ to even try this wacko idea. Strewth!

The serendipity of Bill Gates learning from his father Coronavirus cotton patch …

Plain fact of the matter is that Bill China-Gates has been into the eugenics movement for a long time and is hardly a serendipity rational left of center guy. He thinks China is a model for the world, has praised them before, and is funding W.H.O. as well. He and his co-conspirators have nothing good in mind for we the ‘unwashed masses’; rather more to the point is his plan on profiting from our misery by a forced vaccination program.

He is of course, in the business of producing them, but unfortunately his vaccines have already caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in third world countries. Bad computers beget bad vaccines. Would it then be the serendipity of Bill China-Gates and his plan to vaccinate the entire world to vaccinate himself into a man not to be trusted? Mmmmm…..

Monica Showalter, American Thinker: ‘Bill Gates praises China, blasts U.S. on Coronavirus response’…

“I hate Bill Gates” is a common expression among Windows users, based on the balkiness of Gates’ signature Microsoft program.

Now. he’s given everyone a new reason to hate him: According to the Daily Wire:

Left-wing billionaire Bill Gates attacked the United States during a CNN interview on Sunday while praising communist China, claiming that China “did a lot of things right at the beginning” of the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria asked Gates: “How would you respond to the charge that the Chinese covered this up, they essentially deceived the rest of the world, and as a result, they should be held in someway responsible for this?”

“Well, I don’t think that’s a timely thing because it doesn’t affect how we act today,” Gates claimed. “China did a lot of things right at the beginning. Like any country where a virus first shows up, they can look back and see where they missed some things.”

China “did a lot of things right at the beginning”?

Such as throw infected people alive into furnaces, and leave Wuhan residents screaming in despair from their balconies? Tossing residents into collective sick pens like livestock against their will? Throwing the doctor who sounded the alarm into prison and only exonerating him after he died of the virus in prison?

Or was Gates most impressed by China keeping U.S. medical researchers out, and scrubbing down the wet markets where the virus was said to originate to paper over the evidence?

Was China’s buying up of medical supplies worldwide to keep a stash solely for itself, while releasing five million people from the city of Wuhan to spread the virus around the country, and world, what Gates liked best?

Full Showalter piece link below…

See also:

Washington Times: Anthony Fauci sets stage for Mandatory, Lucrative, Vaccine

National File: The Dark Truth about Fauci and Birx, Bill Gates and Globalist Elites

See BBC from July 2014: Bill Gates Remote Control underskin Chip available by 2018

Townhall July 2018: Gates Foundation continues work on New Birth Control Microchip

Class FM Online: COVID-19 White House Petition to investigate Bill Gates gains Momentum