Village idiot running the henhouse..

Village idiot running the henhouse … After more than a year of living under illegal edicts issued by rogue governors around the country exercising “temporary powers,” most American citizens seem insistent on still wearing silly submission sacks covering their faces. Mandatory Mao masks used to be emblematic of the Chinese people, not the symbol of…

MAGA and vindication of acquittal

MAGA and vindication of acquittal … Laughingly the demoMarxocrats think it’s over and that they won all the marbles on a rare Saturday morning wrap up. They also sanctioned a gloating confessional in Time Magazine, which most people with a functioning brain think was very premature indeed. One very important thing avers that Donald John…

Pres Trump checks GOP at the door

Pres Trump checks GOP at the door … To set the record straight right up front (in case you missed it) Pelosi, Schumer, and all their anti-American demoMarxocrat carpet-baggers are all – perhaps even unknowingly – violating their oaths of office by conducting an illegal impeachment against a person who does not hold an elected…

Danger: a clear and present enemy

Danger: a clear and present enemy … “When it comes to our prosperity, our freedom tradition, and our constitutional government, President Barack Obama has been the great destroyer – knocking down the free-market economy and principles of limited government that have made America the envy of the world. In the pages that follow, I chronicle…