9th Circuit Judicial Fiat Must End…

The record high percentage of overturned rulings coming out of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (ie 77% –  85% over the past year) sure makes it appear that those “judges” intend to keep chipping away at the foundation of the Constitution. Judges simply cannot continue to ignore the law and base their decisions on personal…

Constitutionalist Scalia vs Obama…

SCJ Scalia was a staunch Constitutionalist. I have no doubt that his rulings were as close to the Founding Fathers’ intentions as possible. He will be sorely missed. Absolutely. He understood the separation of powers and that one branch was not all powerful; an understanding that is severely lacking in 99% of Washington today. I would argue that unpopularity, particularly…

Progressive Obama & Justice Scalia

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” ~ Saul Alinsky – Rule 1 in Rules for Radicals In a piece coming up from Steve McCann in American Thinker titled “United States at Point Of No Return”, we learn how the nation’s economic and educational systems are being propagandized by…

The Lawlessness Of Ruling Elites…

One more bark from the dog on the injustice heaped upon Kim Davis for simply upholding the Laws of Kentucky, while at the same time, Anthony Kennedy walks freely despite his foisting homosexual marriage on a nation of 330 million on his own whimsical determination of such. Of course, it starts at the top. Our Congress critters are apparently fine…

Kim Davis v Hypocrisy of King OBO

Altogether after me, now – THERE IS NO SEPARATION of Church and State in the Constitution. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; Let me repeat what we’ve discussed many times before in this forum, the phrase comes from Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Danbury…


First off, let’s share a piece of American History from one of its Founders: “It has long, however, been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from its expression, (although I do not choose to put it into a newspaper, nor, like a Priam in armor, offer myself its champion,) the germ of dissolution of our…


First off, let’s share a piece of American History from one of its Founders: “It has long, however, been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from its expression, (although I do not choose to put it into a newspaper, nor, like a Priam in armor, offer myself its champion,) the germ of dissolution of our…

Supreme Court Legislates Yet Again

Finally someone with some balls that tells it like it is (and that would be Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia, coming up). The truth is that the Supreme Court is no longer as neutral as they should be (ie upholding the law as opposed to fashioning the law) and whether you believe it or not,…

Scalia Smeared For His Christianity

I came across this piece from El Rushbo’s brother, David, in Human Events the other day, and slid it into my “future post” archive. Some obviously-homosexual writer for the far-left-beyond-the-horizon-rag-Salon got his/her Bruce Caitlin Jenner knickers in a twist over the Christianity and evangelical-believing faith of Judge Antonin Scalia, upon which David Limbaugh took him to task. As a…