Democrat debauched demise at will

Democrats are no longer a credible political party. They are an unidentifiable pernicious species from another planet. As I closed out my blog piece yesterday, titled ‘On Christians, Democrats and God’ (link provided down below): ‘The Democrat Left has been hugely successful across the country by solidifying its base; albeit a contentious and nauseating base…

Consequence: there comes a time of

Many moons ago on a proverbial planet ‘far, far, away’ I was expertly tutored by a college professor with vision who would occasionally mispronounce the word ‘consequence’ in an effort to impress upon we neophyte students the implication of actions in our lives, with intent over one way or the other. ‘Consequence’ became ‘quinsequence’ (his spelling)…

Hogg-tied and running loose at will

‘March for our lives’ seems more of a deathwish than a solution … This spoiled rotten Hogg-brat growing up telling his parents what to do as he went about doing what he pleased, doesn’t work outside of a dysfunctional family. To think that a foul-mouthed, attention-seeking, 17 year-old puke (who could be 22 for all…

Brennan, Barack, brutal brethren….

Understand right off the bat folks, that it wasn’t just the Barack Obama-era policies that damaged this country; it was his obvious and public disdain for those Americans who hadn’t voted for him. He alone is responsible for the current leftist practice of criticizing, belittling, insulting and denigrating citizens who don’t agree with his progressive…

Morning in America : SOTU is fine..

And yet another great ‘morning in America’ following what Daniel Greenfield in FrontpageMag declares as “The greatest American Speech of the Century”, which is quite the accolade coming from him – Yet this morning, I must concur! The expressions alone on the faces of the petulantly-skulking DemoMarxist sourpusses during the president’s speech wreaked of fear,…