Daniel Greenfield on corrupt NFL

Daniel Greenfield’s excellent summary of immense corruption within the NFL by partisan DemoMarxist apparatchiks, beginning right at the top, caught the eye of commenter ‘truebearing’ on the comments thread. Yours truly couldn’t have expressed it any better than this… “Yes, the referees are pervasive and they are unforgivable given that the replay allows for overruling…

NFL surrenders to suicidal harakiri

NFL self-inflicts suicidal hara-kiri. For the under-educated as to what the definition of ‘hara-kiri’ is: ritual suicide by disembowelment with a sword, formerly practised in Japan by samurai as an honourable alternative to disgrace or execution. ‘Seppuku’ has a similar connotation. The NFL, like every other business that chooses the leftist liberal-progressive mindset while relying on…

Another Obama Smokescreen : Income Inequality

Bruce Thornton on the constant demonization of so-called “income inequality” constantly railed about by Obama and his minions. An excellent point is made below regarding the gazillions being made yearly by Hollywood acolytes, NFL goons, NBA tattoo boards, and people who sit lazily in front of teleprompters reading newsbits for a living… This envy and…