Podesta, Pelosi, Ellison, Dem Face..

Lost in all the hype about Russian hacking or Wikileaks leaking (or, for that matter, the sterling undercover episodes that James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas brought to the party) is that no one denies the validity of the information that was revealed. The DNC is totally exposed as being as corrupt as the Obama/Clintons…

Democrat Mantra, lie, lie, lie again..

The looney Left of the big lie is increasingly becoming more and more like Don Quixote, tilting at the windmill that is the Trumpit and his election to POTUS. Like the Don, their efforts become increasingly futile every time they charge the enemy. The Donald is playing the lot of them like a hooked trout, inviting…

Bob Beckel Bombs Election Result

As Thomas Lifson put it in Saturday’s American Thinker: “Is it schadenfreude season yet? Surely, the epic failure of the pundit class deserves some commemoration.  There just has to be a reckoning for people who sold election opinions that were completely off-base, out of touch, and hilariously arrogant.” “The controversy over Mitt Romney as a possible…

The debased Clintons final Disgrace

The Democrat party is an absolute national and international disgrace. They lost the election fair and square and are already fundraising for their next run. The lawsuits and demanding of recounts is simply a stall tactic to the certification of votes, and to implementing a delay to the Trumpit’s inevitable promotion to the office of the Presidency. Look…

Hillary, Podesta, & Bolshevik Diktat

The leaked emails have begun to prove that Big Media (as corrupt and concupiscent as the Obama/Clinton cabal, if not more) has been finally exposed beyond denial. Obama, Hillary, Podesta, and many of their minions have been revealed. The curtain has been lifted and it is exactly what everyone expected. There is nowhere to go…