Unfortunate arrogance of wannabe

Nominating a political ‘escort’ as a potential VP only because she wasn’t white, reeks of the cynicism and the arrogance of those who control such things. OR – Kamala Harris: The only human being on Earth who can make Hillary Clinton seem warm and genuine. Harris was chosen because her unfortunate arrogance of wannabe fit the…

Democrats thy name is communist

Way back in 1995 – the heady days of say the Clintons – it was becoming abundantly clear to yours truly that some very deep alliances between the world’s largest corporations, politicians and the federal bureaucracies were being developed on the sly, and especially with the CCP. Following the departure of the great Ronald Reagan,…

Peace, prosperity, then decadence…

What has happened within and without the United States during the past umpteen decades has come about slowly over some fifty plus years, somewhat akin to going bankrupt say, slowly then very quickly; a ’cause and effect’ of major historical events having their own momentum above and beyond the control of we mere mortals. Which…

Yes Virginia, there is a … (pick one)

An example of “subconscious suicide” would be losing the will to live by not defending onesself against enemies both foreign and domestic, especially when considering the West can’t even defend its own borders against migrant invasion during a so-called pandemic! Seemingly they’re more determined to cripple their industry with paranoia and hysteria over so called…

O’biden farce ‘bama#44 nightmare

The prevailing iteration within Washington DC these days has turned into the “Ride of the Autocrats” with a daily looting contest presided over by professional liars, aka elected DemoMarxocrats. O’biden’s so-called “leadership” remains a continuing farcical nightmare that keeps people from focusing on the enormity of damage being done to this country. Once upon a…

DopeyJoeBiden the Taliban stooge..

DopeyJoeBiden the Taliban stooge has never been anything more than a pompous, idiotic blowhard womanizer and sexual rape fiend; whatever the age of his victims. His performance way, way, back during Bork and Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearings convinced millions of us of that, plus the fact that it now should be more than obvious that…

Lies coverups and fairytales abound

Lies coverups and fairytales abound … Trust the demoMarxocrats (or should that read the “OBO#44 Administration” operating behind the curtain) to keep trying and trying to cover up their crimes against President Trump. They obviously believe if they report a lie often enough it will become truth, yet on present results it would appear they’re…

Danger: Idiot plant losing marbles!

Danger: Idiot plant losing marbles! We the (75 million+) People will keep repeating it ’til the cows decide to come home – Trump won a historic victory and an even more historic coup usurped it. There will be no 2022 retaliation because (seemingly) elections have been canceled. Biden is not President so stop pretending he…