America’s Resident Evil : The DemoMarxists

America’s resident evil : The DemoMarxists. In this upcoming piece from Black Conservative Lloyd Marcus in American Thinker, what he describes in his own inimitable way, is the very presence of evil. Over the years (particularly the past say, 10 years) we’ve witnessed the Democrat party abandon any semblance of truth, and what they ought to be…

A World Gone Mad With A President AWOL…

Billy Graham on War: “The Garden of Eden was somewhere in present-day Iraq. The turmoil and war we are witnessing in that part of the world is occurring in the land where God established the first perfect civilization.” Bob Schieffer took to the airwaves on Face the Nation yesterday with the admonishment that “We are in…

Scatter-shooting While Wondering…

Scatter-shooting while wondering what Obama will throw into his Friday “dump” this time … First up is an interesting study of body-language from Neil Cavuto as he is “forced” to listen to the great one, Mark Levin, castigate one of Cavuto’s fellow-Fox Commentators, Karl (take-no-prisoners) Rove. One can quickly surmise that there’s no love lost…