Sundance Kid on the move to glory

Go ahead, make my…

Sundance Kid on the move to glory … Praying for you and your mission, Sundance. We are here, whatever you need. ~ “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” ~  2 Tim 1:7

My prayer (among many) to Sundance and his mission which is coming to a grande finale!!

To put it all in perspective, those of you who’ve been following me for a while – years even with some of you – since the cruel demise of Andrew Breitbart, Seth Rich, Michael Hastings, and seemingly scores of other patriot-warriors going about God’s business only to be cut down in the prime of getting it all done, we have never ceased to be fervently praying for God to help us save our country.

Sundance on the move to glory…

To reveal the insane evil cabal of zealots who are forever trying to destroy it; going forth to set up the blazing stage lights on the complete corruption, delusion, and lies from the brainwashed and bribed press-in-name-only; to reveal the completely irrational and totalitarian nature of the agenda of the so-called Academia and Professorial Leftist Cabal; not forgetting those poor inmates enslaved to the deep, dark state of the nefarious and dangerous lamestream media sewer-swamp, the one full of mainly unrepentant anti-American haters full of malfeasance.

And so, among other things, God has been using the Sundance Kid these latter years as part of the answer to those prayers of literally millions of ‘save America patriots’. Including those of us on the outside looking in to do what we can, when we can, however we can to make sure that Justice is done.

The time is nigh.

Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: ‘Angels On Our Shoulders’…

This update is going to be a little raw, perhaps written more for me than you. First, to those who are offering support – THANK YOU. I remain outside the wire, and way out of my comfort zone… but that’s ok.

In the background there was one setback, the print company ran into a problem with the binding for the briefing material (72 hr delay); apparently it’s a little overwhelming. [Not a bad thing really]

However, that is a minor setback compared to the angel who appeared at the most opportune moment. The biggest hurdle is nearly overcome, and as one person described: “holy sh!t the murderers row” is assembled.

The oral briefs paid dividends. Now there’s an army forming, dispatches received, everything locked in place, one serious angel to thank. Factually, it’s not only what’s in the documents, it’s also what’s on the documents that matters, & no-one ever noticed until now.”.. ~JW

The next week is critical. CTH into the belly of the beast. Again, an apology for spending less time on daily news events, research and writing, and more time on the critical cusp of activity previously discussed. That’s why the daily content of the site is less.

THE alliance of allies is a priority; that means a personal investment. Each person briefed recognizes this is much bigger than previously thought. Stunningly so. One by one, people see the importance. It’s an amazing story in totality.

I’m less worried about Barr-Durham failing now. Hoping for their success, and recent background indicators support ‘cautious optimism’; but preparing just in case.

I let down someone important to me but not the goal; which reminded me just how much our founders put at risk when they faced far more serious challenges than my simple effort. Regardless, it is a crushing gut-punch to see yourself drive with such intensity that you generate collateral damage accidentally. Lesson: it is much harder to forgive your own trespasses against others, than it is to forgive those who trespass against you.

Again, thanks for your support. Every prayer is felt, and I really believe those prayers are making a difference; remarkably so. This journey is actually bringing me closer to my own faith which was quite unexpected. Truthfully, nakedly, I’m also scared as hell; this is so far out of my comfort zone – that’s likely the reason for my renewed reliance.

All of that said, things are falling into place. The balance has shifted a little, and now not only are doors opening, but our own door is being knocked upon. That result can only be described as guided.  Ergo, I’m seriously humbled. Humbled and more optimistic.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

~ Sundance

Full link a serious read down below…

Sundance on the move to glory… Minuteman!

Over these past few years since the rise of President Trump, it is, and has been, truly humbling to witness history being written by Sundance and the ‘Treepers’.

In this small back corner of the internet, quiet conversations and virtual meetings discretely held, marking the evil, injustice and incompetence going on around us. The Minuteman to the right is representative of the time, both then and now, and the risks to this land and to those that are fighting to protect it.

My prayers are with you and your family, Sundance, and to all fellow-Treepers. Thank you for all you are doing and sacrificing to help save this great republic. May God continue to guide you and protect you. You are a true patriot and I hope President Trump can honor you for that someday. God bless each and every one of us as we go forth to do his will.

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump and the Treepers – MAGA! KAG!


Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: Angels On Our Shoulders