The greatest question that should be on the mind of every freedom-loving citizen of the United States, is why We The People have allowed a benign Congress to wimp itself out of its responsibilities to preserving the future of the Republic for our offspring. By allowing and promoting a pure stream of criminals to infiltrate and usurp our so-called governing body, George Soros the Hungarian foreign puppet-meister has proved himself time and time and time again to be a blot and stain upon the fate of America’s future; and yet nothing has been done to stem his corruption of government.
From his getting Glenn Beck thrown out of his Fox News gig for illuminating the Soros Mafia connection to this corrupt administration, to inserting himself into calling the shots on US and foreign policy (and likely pulling the strings on John Roberts, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and others) we now have further proof of his influence with the revelation over the weekend that “DCLeaks, a website that releases information on powerful political figures, has had part of its website taken offline after releasing a cache of documents on billionaire donor George Soros. The @DCLeaks Twitter account has also been suspended from Twitter for reasons unknown”.
Rather than go into detail, you can catch up here and here.
Between a wimpy Congress, and a self-serving press corps, here are some long-lingering questions that I wish an honest reporter or Congressional Committee would ask Hillary Clinton, particularly since she is being propped up (figuratively and literally) by the corrupt George Soros, Obama, and the rest of his criminal bunch; and to not stop until she answers them fully ….
When did she know her husband was a serial abuser, and does she feel guilty for destroying his accusers?
Can she explain precisely the trades made in the Cattle Futures scandal where $1,000 was turned into $99,000 in a matter of weeks?
Why didn’t she do anything to protect Americans in Benghazi?
Who is Saul Alinsky and why was he her mentor?
When she was working on Watergate, why did her boss Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, call Hillary a “liar” and “an unethical, dishonest lawyer” and have her fired?
What really happened with Travelgate?
What really happened with the Rose Law Firm?
What really happened with WhiteWater?
What gave Hillary the right to see private FBI files of her political enemies in FileGate?
Why won’t she turn over her illegal server with State Department e-mails to congress?
Why does the Clinton Foundation accept money from avowed terror states?
What is her take on the Vince Foster “Suicide”?
Why did she think she was entitled to steal the White House furniture when she left?
Why does she lie even about things that mean nothing: lying about being under sniper fire in Bosnia, lying about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, or lying that her grandparents were immigrants? The reason for the question being that she shows all the traits of being a serial liar which goes back decades.
Should America be concerned that in ChinaGate, the 22 people that were convicted of fraud or for funneling Asian funds into the DNC were associates of Bill Clinton?
Did selling “stays” in the Lincoln Bedroom to political donors make her feel like a wh)o(re?
Does Hillary Clinton think Juanita Broadrick lied when she said on a national TV news interview that Bill Clinton raped her?
Is she still okay that Bill goes to “pedophile island” with Jeffrey Epstein?
Why are there so many murdered and suicidal people in the Clintons’ immediate circle?
Doesn’t the fact that the Clinton Foundation has to amend 5 years of its tax returns for improper reporting imply that she and her “husband” were involved in an illegal RICO enterprise?
Doesn’t approving the Russian-owned Uranium One deal as Secretary of State (ie because of illegal contributions to her foundation) in fact make her a traitor to this country?
Was it wise to have at least four Clinton Foundation board of directors, that have either been convicted or charged, of the financial crimes of bribery and fraud?
Why did she pay her female senate staffers 72% of what she paid her male staffers? Isn’t that discrimination?
When she represented an accused pedophile rapist, why did she laugh when she got him off even though she believed him to be guilty? Isn’t that prejudice?
She said she had one e-mail address, came out that she had two; She said she had one device, it came out that she had two: She said none of her e-mails on her private server was classified, but when the State Dept handed over 300 e-mails the FBI redacted large sections of one, proving again she was wrong. Thus, Ms. Clinton, are you incompetent or just a congenital liar?
The one important question she WAS asked concerned her accomplishments as Secretary of State. This is the gem we got:
“My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I’m glad you asked! My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know… the remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn’t do that and I’m proud of that. Very proud. I would say that’s a major accomplishment.” ~ Hillary Clinton, March 11, 2014
So the Clinton’s weren’t so bad, eh?
Sources: The Gateway Pundit; and Steemit; and Musings of a Tired Soul: and American Thinker…
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