President O disrespects President T

Go ahead, make my…

So we now have a former president working to overthrow a current President, which by any stretch of the imagination would be a coup in any other country. Especially when the current President is following the rule of law, while the former president has an eight-year-plus record of subverting the rule of law. If then we are going to follow the law, this makes the former president a criminal. Arrest him.

Sounds simple doesn’t it, and yet the threat posed by pending insurrection demands a covert plan of action to prevent what would amount to an out-and-out coup by the former over the present.

The Left’s attacks on Trump, and now Sessions, are not just because they fear a threat to their coup, but because they fear for themselves. If momentum builds to have them arrested, they know the will of the people will win, so they are lying, obfuscating, fabricating, sabotaging, and posturing for all they are worth.

As Scott S. Powell puts it in today’s American Thinker…

If you think you’re going crazy from nonstop news coverage of unruly behavior and disruptive protests across the country since Donald Trump was elected president, rest assured there are veiled reasons for the current madness. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Goodwin asserts the ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ is no temporarily insane reaction, but rather “a calculated plan to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country.”

The beginnings of this “rolling coup” happened in broad daylight in the taking down of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as Director of National Security by residual players within the Obama intelligence community — including the CIA and the NSA.

Political correctness remains so dominant in language and culture in the U.S., that no one dares utter the word “sedition.” Unbeknownst to most Americans, Barack Obama is the first ex-president in 228 years of U.S. history to structure and lead a political organization, a shadow government, for the explicit purpose of sabotaging his successor — duly elected President Donald Trump. The primary vehicle of this campaign is Organizing for Action (OFA), legally founded in January 2013 by First Lady Michelle Obama and her husband’s 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina, with input from David Axelrod.

Being respectful and accepting loss when your team doesn’t win — essential for the functioning of any electoral representative democracy and a fundamental lesson every child used to learn through playing competitive sports — has been destroyed by the left and appears no longer relevant for many in today’s millennial generation.

Enemies of the state bought and paid for on the backs of the innocents…

Soros, Obama, et al. have committed a lot of crimes – crimes they never thought could be prosecuted, but they miscalculated and ended up losing to adversaries that are a serious threat to their freedom. Isn’t it ironic how much freedom means to those who scheme to take it away from everyone else. Soros is a reprehensible criminal mastermind who has deluded himself into a messianic state. He’s as much of a messiah as Nero, Caligula, Stalin, or Satan. It is well past the time Soros be arrested and held without bail. A blizzard of charges could and should be brought against him by not only the US but by the UK, Russia, France, Hungary, and anyone else he has undermined. An international coalition against criminal internationalism. Irony abounds.

Writing in FrontPageMagazine on a similar topic to Scott S. Powell, Matthew Vadum hits it this way…

A radical group linked to rogue billionaire George Soros has been providing scripts containing anti-Trump talking points for constituents to read aloud during congressional town hall meetings.

One of the scripts distributed by the Revolutionary Love Project encourages town hall participants meeting with their member of Congress to accuse the Trump administration of – wait for it – “xenophobia, racism, and Islamophobia.” Constituents are urged to use those precise words to “forcefully condemn” President Trump’s immigration and border security initiatives, Aaron Klein reports at Breitbart News.

Information about the scripts came as leaked audio from anti-Trump activists associated with the group Indivisible surfaced. Their target was a town hall hosted by Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.). They planned to deploy an “inside team” to occupy as many seats as possible and an “outside team” to “give [the media] the coverage they want.” Activists were urged to “dress like conservatives” and avoid “any signifier that you’re a liberal” so they could dominate the meeting.

“Game plan number one is to fill as many seats as we can, right? If it’s all of us in there and the poor people of Breaux Bridge are sitting behind us, well then tough luck for them,” James Proctor of Indivisible reportedly said.

“If we can arrange it so he doesn’t hear one sympathetic question–great. That only magnifies our impact,” he added. This is a standard, old-time organizing technique used by followers of Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky.

It has another name in politics: astroturfing.

This astroturfing isn’t intended to manipulate public opinion, it’s intended to manipulate weak-kneed politicos who fear that it is manipulating public opinion against them. Politicians, and the public’s respect for the laws they enact, are the weak underbelly of the US and the Left has always exploited them to the max.

If no other country wants to share in the Soros spoils, then our government should do it without any help. A special force of legal and accounting minds should be convened to sink the vile ship named Soros. If Comey refuses to cooperate, find the grounds to fire him. It shouldn’t be too hard.

Coinciding with the investigation should be an “Educate America” offensive where the truth about Soros and his sordid history is thoroughly and repeatedly exposed – I nominate Discover the Networks and FrontPageMagazine as the head of the spear. Most Americans don’t even know who Soros is, so that has to change. I can see a documentary film that needs to be made (although it must be said that Glenn Beck did a sterling expose` some years back when he was still with Fox.)

Soros is anything but untouchable. When he is brought down, the rest of his minions will be as well. Obama will flee to the Middle East. The leftist cannon fodder will take to the streets to get their fair share of lead. When it is over, America will feel the relief that only a massive political enema can produce.


See also Rush Limbaugh

And the full Matthew Vadum George Soros’s Smear Scripts

Together with the complete Scott S. Powell Obama, OfA, and Death Throes
