It was Joseph Smith I believe, in the 19th century, who responded to a question of how he managed his organization by replying “I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves.” As to how We The People got into this mess we have today, it could easily be put down to the fact that we have not been teaching correct principles for over 100 years. More specifically to the introduction in 1913 of the liberal progressive socialist agenda brought into American politics by the specious Woodrow Wilson.
In an oft-used quotation from yours truly by John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Needless to say, we haven’t been a moral and religious people for quite some time, but things have really gone in the toilet in the last 50 years. Charles Murray, in his book In Our Hands, states, “Give people plenty and security, and they will fall into spiritual torpor. When life becomes an extended picnic, with nothing of importance to do, ideas of greatness become an irritant.”
Is it my imagination or does Obama the Clown Prince of Fools and the Left in general seem to get irritated whenever anyone brings up the topic of American exceptionalism? Eric Hoffer said, “There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement. For an achievement does not settle anything permanently. We still have to prove our worth anew each day: we have to prove that we are as good today as we were yesterday. But when we have a valid alibi for not achieving anything we are fixed, so to speak, for life.”
“You didn’t build that.” and “What difference, at this point, does it make?” are just two examples of currently held alibis. I’m sure you can add more. And that, boys and girls, is why we are screwed.
We can nibble around the edges or we can go for broke. Asking Congress to make things right is like trying to talk a rattlesnake out of biting you. Lots of luck. The 10th Amendment can and must be brought back and respected. A convention of states is, in my view, the last possible way to avoid the separation of several states; a convention of states intent on reviving the balance of States vs the Feds has to repeal the 17th Amendment as a start and work toward making the limits on the Feds stick. This is going to be difficult and will take some time, but if we stand tall and fight the liberal Progressives at every turn, We The People can do this.
As I opined in this past Wednesday’s piece with the list of solutions to our present predicament, I repeat, that to achieve the changes, we need an informed citizenry which requires us to make very big changes in our schools. If vouchers and private schools are the answer, do it. To be an informed citizen, one must know American history as to how we came to be and why. Freedom and liberty are so precious to the true American that down the ages, thousands of our young men have fought and died to preserve it. For our youngsters not to be taught this is a crime. Our culture needs to be radically changed and that comes from intact families and parents who wish the best for their children, not crumbs from entrenched interests and the corrupt Federal government.
We are currently in a fight as difficult as the American Revolution was. We can only win if we dedicate ourselves to make necessary changes, for rest assured, the powerful lobbying interests will fight us tooth and nail every step of the way. Take it one step at a time if necessary. Teach our children about the value of being truthful and other such “old-fashioned” ideas. Raise our kids to be informed citizens rather than a part of the mindless mob who thinks George Washington fought in the Civil War etc. We can do this, and must do this or America is lost and we will have failed our children and grandchildren.
History illustrates that Woodrow Wilson definitely deserves (dis)honorable mention for our current state. Dare we declare second worst president in American history behind one Obama the Clown Prince of Fools?
Which is a good lead into Robert Arvay and his piece in American Thinker titled “How We Got Into This Mess”…
Once upon a time, there was a government founded upon the idea that the people govern themselves, and that in order to do so, those people elect representatives, who are responsible to the voters. In other words, the voters govern themselves through representation.
Then something went terribly wrong. To make a long story short, the government stopped responding to the will of the people. It had more important things to do, all of which entailed representing not the voters, but its own ranks. Getting re-elected was the primary goal of elected representatives. Getting rich was second on the list. The representatives excelled at both.
Only rarely did an incumbent who ran for re-election fail. This was because the incumbents had lots of money in their campaign coffers. The people who gave them that money expected lots of things in return, and they got them.
The representatives learned how to pass laws none of them bothered to read, much less understand. So long as they got their money and perquisites, who cared what the law was?