It’s now official. Pelosi and the Democommunist-demoMarxocrats got rid of God in our society and it shows. Bear with me for a few minutes and I’ll explain.
For various reasons, there exist millions of us who understand that without God there can be no concept of truth. Hashtag ‘zorro’ over at Conservative Treehouse puts it all in perspective for us by describing Nietzsche’s terrifying idea that once God is figuratively dead, man becomes god. Saying you can choose to be man or woman is that amoral rejection of truth in practice.
Now put it into the context that a deranged and mumbling demoMarxocrat sycophantic SanFranGranNan Pelosi, hellbent on the destruction of the constitutional republic, has in fact succumbed to that very fact laid out by Nietzsche; Pelosi has become her own god, replete with obfuscation, surrounded by sycophantic trolls full of lies and fairytales, made up transcripts, impeachment and fame, and gifts of gold pens. Triumph!
But wait. There’s the standard Christian idea that God punishes lies. Seeing secular people swear to tell the truth becomes a sick joke. You can see truth plays no role in Liz Warren’s moral universe. Watching her and Bernie bicker over who’s a liar is watching people morally adrift. Lying is a tactic to them, nothing more. Lying is a synonym for outsmarting others. The DOJ and FBI facilely charge their targets (poor Michael Flynn) with telling lies, but are very reluctant to prosecute their colleagues (Andrew McCabe) for such a petty offence.
We speak of the Laws of Science, but exactly who made these laws? No God, no truth and no science.
No one can ‘get rid of God.’ Faithless unbelievers have been listening to the wrong voices for decades (centuries, actually) and decided that earthly material and carnal lusts are of higher priority than glorifying God the Father and Jesus Christ. That’s volitional choice, succumbing to the Dark One that rules this world, this kosmos.
God is right where He’s always been; and He’s not going anywhere.
‘Sundance’, Conservative Treehouse and: ‘It Begins – Senate Leader McConnell Receives Articles’…
Sickening. Earlier [yesterday] Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a media event signing ceremony complete with commemorative pens for dozens of her Democrat colleagues, and initiated the parade ceremony for the march across the Capitol with the articles. Upon arrival at the upper chamber of congress, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell accepted delivery and began the process of organizing the procedure through a series of rules by unanimous consent.
[McConnell] “A few minutes ago, the Senate was notified the House of Representatives is finally ready to proceed with their articles of impeachment. So, by unanimous consent, we’ve just laid some of the groundwork that will structure the next several days.”
- We have officially invited the House managers to come to the Senate tomorrow at noon to exhibit their articles of impeachment.
- Then, later tomorrow afternoon at 2:00pm, the Chief Justice of the United States will arrive here in the Senate. He will be sworn in by the President Pro Tem, Senator Grassley.
- Then the Chief Justice will swear in all of us senators. We will pledge to rise above petty factionalism and do justice for our institutions, for our states, and for the nation.
- And then we will formally notify the White House of our pending trial and summon the President to answer the articles and send his counsel.
‘So the trial will commence in earnest on Tuesday.
‘But first, Mr. President, some important good news for the country: ‘We anticipate the Senate will finish the USMCA tomorrow and send this landmark trade deal to President Trump for his signature. A major victory for this administration, but more importantly, for American families.
‘Let me close with this. This is a difficult time for our country. But this is precisely the kind of time for which the framers created the Senate. I am confident this body can rise above short-termism and factional fever and serve the long-term best interests of our nation.
‘We can do this. And we must.’
When leftists run your cities, their first act is to absolve everyone of personal responsibility for problems instigated by their own failures, generally preferring to round up an agency or government group dedicated to fixing the ‘problems’ at hand. As it evolves into an ever more degrading situation, their next step is to attribute blame for the problems faced to their ideological opposition (ie republicans, the right, conservatives, her, him, them, it).
The next move is then to siphon every tax dollar possible to finance the people that work for these alleviation strategies, putting on the facsimile of benevolence while masking their real incompetence. By the time the youths reach adulthood, they’ve already been fixated or indoctrinated that the only savior comes from within the party they’ve grown up in.
Public sentiment and loyalty be damned. Or something.
San Francisco, home base of SanFranGranNan. Increasingly, there are associations who have cancelled conferences in San Francisco because of the unsanitary conditions. Most politicians forget (or never knew) that cities only exist because they are a better place to do business than elsewhere. Yes they have nice cultural benefits, but those are all paid for by the businesses in the city. Take a look for instance, at this list of current cities that have lost major shares of business activity over the years; some just shrink up and die. Mostly demoMarxocrat.
Detroit; St. Louis; Oakland; Memphis; Birmingham; Atlanta; Baltimore; Stockton; Cleveland; Buffalo; San Francisco; Los Angeles; Chicago; Philadelphia; Baltimore; New York City etc., etc. Go to any city that has been run by demoMarxocrats for more than 20 years and you will find the same things. Bad, bad schools, unsafe streets, drug-running and filth everywhere. Anywhere that demoMarxocrats go disaster soon follows.
No God, no truth and no science. God is right where He’s always been; and He’s not going anywhere; Pelosi and her gang of thieves or not.
And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – God’s warrior-president Donald J. Trump – MAGA! KAG!
‘Sundance’, Conservative Treehouse: McConnell Receives Articles
Andrea Widburg, American Thinker: San Francisco shines light on Leftism
Forbes Mag: Most Dangerous Cities in America