Go ahead, make my…
Well, well, well, Mika Brzezinski and the cads over at MessNBC seriously going down the trash path against President Trump and more particularly, Rudy Giuliani on the porn thing – particularly as it relates to Stormy the Horny and (supposedly) the fact that President Trump doesn’t have access to porn in the White House. Can you believe that?!
Yours truly alone can find hundreds of examples of MessNBC’ers (male, female, and homos) trashing conservative women for their looks and tens of thousands of examples of the DemoMarxists doing it in just the last year. And that’s the low ball estimates of what is out there.
I mean let’s just take a very mild example – the 2017 Vanity Fair best dressed list didn’t include Melania even though she is fashion personified, or Ivanka who is always very stylish. Or we could talk about the days of high heel coverage or the numerous attacks on Sarah Sanders. The list goes on and on.
Take a quick look and listen…
So let’s see … We’ve got women talking about men talking about women talking about men. How about perhaps discussing the Grand Solar Minimum, or the upcoming IG report on Obama admin corruption, or the Clinton Crime Cabal, or the uptick in volcanic activity, or large hail and flooding? You know, IMPORTANT subjects.
As for Mika Brzezinski getting more and more unhinged by the day, the adulteress particularly shouldn’t be holding any moral high ground on a woman using her body to get attention. I doubt she even knows where the moral high ground is anymore.
Morning Joe and the Temptress Mika … Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
She does however, seem to have a lot to uncork over her obvious indignation with the Clintons and now this. They should have her do a ‘MeToo’ thing for women who sleep with their bosses.
Oh, wait. She’s been there, doing that. Mmmmmm… Strike One.
It really is hilarious to hear the bitterness of these women and the jealousy they have for Ivanka and FLOTUS Melania, besides which Mika and Joe ALWAYS have some “source” that tells them BS about the POTUS and White House. Strike Two.
They have a low-rated show and are forever attempting to be relevant and get POTUS Trump to tweet about them. After all, that’s the only time they get a reasonable rating. But lately it appears to be that he is so over them that Mika is like nails on a chalkboard. STER-IKE Three!
By the way, her Know Your Value campaign is a joke. I know “someone” that knows them and said they like to smell dog poo. Sorry I can’t give my source. Sshhhhh … Joe “Banjo Boy” is pathetic.
On the other hand…
Now that’s MY President! … Semper Fi Mr. President, Semper Fi!! – MAGA!