The scurrilous out-of-touch perpetrators of ‘fake news’ (aka Big Media) are at it yet again. Showing pictures at the Washington, D.C. Mall an hour before Trump’s actual inauguration is basically the same trick as showing pictures of Trayvon Martin 8 years before the actual confrontation and assault on George Zimmerman. Same media liars, same sleazebags, same dirty underhanded Left-wing fascist media presstitutes.
The people who have been claiming to be our “protectors” of Free Speech and who claim to hold Truth to Power have become our most vicious ruthless media enemies, haters of Freedom and Liberty, and destroyers of our country and Republic. They all deserve nothing less than to swing from lampposts for their betrayal, sedition, treason, and aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.
Greg Richards, writing in today’s American Thinker describes it this way:
Sean Spicer, Trump’s new press secretary, remonstrated with the media yesterday for underreporting the attendance at the inauguration. The press was affronted because it is pretty clear that Spicer’s claim of record attendance was absurd. This can be seen in the following picture comparisons of the Mall for the morning of the Trump inauguration at 11:04 a.m. and for the Obama 2009 inauguration at 11:30 a.m. The thinness of the crowd for Trump is pretty stark, made even more so by the white tarps put over the grass on the Mall for the first time.
There follows a collage from three of the most vitriolic and pernicious Leftist Media outlets illustrating the doctored comparison pics between Obama’s first inauguration crowd in 2009, up against Donald Trump’s Bunch this past Friday. Then at the very end, the TRUTH as put forth by the new President’s Press Secretary, the aforementioned Sean Spicer.
First up, the UK GUARDIAN
Guardian Editorial: Photographs of the National Mall in Washington DC and public transport figures for the city flatly contradict Sean Spicer’s angry insistence that Donald Trump drew “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe”.
In his blistering debut as White House press secretary on Saturday, Spicer accused journalists and the media of reporting inaccurate crowd numbers and using misrepresentative photographs “to minimise the enormous support” that he claimed the new president enjoyed at his swearing-in.
Next up the ultra-Leftist USA VOX
VOX Editorial: President Donald Trump boasted his inauguration would have an “unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout.”
But media aerial shots of the National Mall from President Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration and today show that isn’t likely. Image on the left Trump at 11:04 AM ET and an image taken at about 11:30 AM ET in 2009. That’s roughly half the number of people who attended Obama’s inauguration in 2009. It’s also less than the turnout for Obama’s 2013 inauguration, which drew 1 million people.
And lastly, from the WASHINGTON POST
Washington Post Editorial: It’s raining in Washington today — or, at least, it’s rainy. Perhaps that’s one reason that the crowd in attendance at Donald Trump’s inauguration seems a bit more sparse than in years past. Or perhaps it actually is more sparse — particularly in comparison to the first inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009. So we can assume that Trump’s inauguration was not quite as popular as Obama’s.
But WAIT! Underestimating crowd size for Trump’s campaign appearances and for Tea Party events has always been standard operating procedure for the Main Stream Media. On the other hand, only close-up photos for Hillary’s campaign appearances were used to hide the fact that so few people would normally show up. We are on to the MSM Big Media spin and bias, and even moreso now with the reality that Donald Trump is president.
Finally, the irony of ironies from CNN of all people. As Greg Richards puts it in American Thinker:
CNN has released a billion-pixel interactive photograph that the user can both move around and zoom into. It shows a very different picture from the photograph above. If you zoom into it, you can see that the crowd in the Mall goes all the way back to the Washington Monument.
The first picture above is at 11:04am. The interactive picture is taken during the inaugural speech, about an hour later. Mark Twain said “there are lies, damn lies and statistics.” I guess we can modify that to “lies, damn lies and pictures.” To a skeptical Deplorable, the timing of the pictures on the Mall — i.e., one hour before Trump’s inauguration — and the lack of follow-up on those pictures on the Web appears to be fabrication of fake news.
Later in the day, at the end of the inaugural parade, there were empty bleachers at the president’s viewing stand. But that is not the point at issue in terms of the Mall and attendance at the inauguration.
The press has now internalized the meme that Spicer lied about attendance at the inauguration and that the lie is easily confirmable. Except that he didn’t and it isn’t.
No surprise. We knew it was going to be a battle.
As I described it in my Friday post: Those who elected Trump need to support him fearlessly. We need to cheer every reversal of Obama’s agenda in a convincing way. We need to remember that we won’t be forgiven by the left if we fail to support Trump and let them get back into power.
This is war, and we have a long way to go before we can say we’re winning. This is no time to take prisoners, feel benevolent, or bi-partisan. Fight like it is our last chance, because it may well be. The foot of the free Republic needs to remain on the throat of the Left until it expires from lack of oxygen.
Before CNN decide otherwise, archive the link to the CNN billion-pixel interactive photograph and keep it handy for quick reference. Especially when debating/arguing with liberal leftist DemoMarxists. It’s actually quite an amazing interacting feature! Simply click, hold, and move. Plus you can zoom in and zoom out!