Boom! Finally somebody standing up against the biased liberal press which has virtually had free rein over the DemoMarxist agenda for the past 50 years! Scarborough on Morning Joe articulating the frustration conservatives feel every single day with the liberal media. This is why people like Rush (one of the original conservative poster boys) has done so well since he came out back in the day when everybody on the major networks was a liberal talking head with an agenda. Fox News offers up the only semi conservative counter points, but they are cable news outlet, not one of the 5 or 6 national alphabet mainstreams. The mainstream media in this country is the government’s propaganda machine, no more no less – just listening to OBO the Clown clues you in on this fact.
Next up, Carly Fiorina who nails it with her answer to the feminazis on The View. The problem they have with Carly is that she is so much smarter than they are and they can’t stand it nor can they stand a woman who can think for herself and is self made. Typical feminazi double-speak and hypocrisy. She is by far, the most eloquent and articulate speaker running for president. No one, from either party, comes close to Fiorina when it comes to articulating a response to questions, or explaining her policy positions. Plus (unlike OBO the Clown, Hillary Rob’em Clinton and others) she can think and respond on her feet.
Then there’s always the grim comedy whenever the unfortunately-named Josh Earnest (who is anything but earnest in speaking the truth but is an excellent proponent of double-speak) takes to the podium to slander the intelligence of the assembled reporters attempting to get to the truth for their nightly newscasts. Which also makes me wonder why the press corps never seems to grill him on OBO the Clown arming and funding ISIS so that the non-existent “boots on the ground” could go and get it back by “disarming” them. Welcome to the bizarre world of liberal progressive DemoMarxist, socialist, communist idiots, just like college faculty. Josh Earnest, an obstinate sniveling, dishonest, bureaucrat. I’d like to see the control stick they use to control his talking points. Just another empty talking head.
And a 7-minute follow-up from CNN reporter Jim Sciutto which got quite tense for a while .. But wait! .. Surely OBO the Clown and his lackeys wouldn’t lie, would they? 1) “If you like your doctor, you can keep ’em”; 2) Benghazi was a protest; 3) 9-11 was a man made disaster; 4) Ft. Hood was “workplace violence”; 5) health insurance premiums will go down; 6) Islamic Jihadist Muslim Terrorists just need jobs; 7) OBO the Clown’s administration has been transparent on the IRS scandal, NSA spying, Fast & Furious, so nothing to see here …
H/T Washington Free Beacon; personal archives and commentary…