Gotta cut to the chase on James Comey, because it’s all coming out so fast. No big surprise here while everyone snoozes on a sunny Sunday football afternoon. Breaking revelations yet again.
Consider this, while bearing in mind that a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Family – Huma Abedin – had State Department-related material on a laptop that was not turned over to the State Department and not kept secure. She swore under oath to Congress that all work-related material had been turned over. Regardless if the emails were classified, declassified, or not, if any were not in the batches already turned over she could be charged with, and possibly face, jail time.
Unless of course, prosecutors cut a deal with her. Enter James Comey.
Imagine if she agreed to turn State’s Evidence against Hillary Clinton. Imagine the treasure-trove of information she could possibly reveal about Billary-Hillary from the past 20-plus-something years that she has been Hillary-Billary’s #1 assistant. Don’t forget after all, that Bill was the one who performed the “marriage” ceremony between her and eenie-Weiner-mini-mo!
Hopefully, for her own safety, I pray that Huma is in hiding and maybe not just because she’s embarrassed. Consider what happened to Vince Foster and a couple of hundred others who had dirt on the Clintons.
Meanwhile, back at the James Comey ranch…
Recall that way back when, James Comey said in his testimony that the crooked Hillary was “extremely careless in using a private server that could have been hacked by hostile actors”, but no indictment was issued because (if I follow his thinking correctly) nothing was exposed to hostile actors or unauthorized handlers. But now it’s revealed that Anthony Weiner has copies of State Department documents he’s not authorized to have. This is now a case of spying or handling secret documents to unauthorized individuals just like what happened to the transgender private Chelsea (how appropriate) Elizabeth Manning, who is now serving 35 years imprisonment, with a possibility of parole after eight years and to be dishonorably discharged from the army.
So what now, brown cow? (as the old rhyming dictum goes). Let’s assume that Huma’s Life Insurance Policy is indeed the stash of emails finally uncovered. Huma Abedin is no fool of fools, coming from, as she does, the very seed of the established Muslim Brotherhood currently entrenched in the plush foundation of Obama the Clown Prince of Fool’s administration. James Comey, perhaps?
Heck, they’re all in and out of the White House two or three times a month! She may be the closest aide to Hillary Clinton, but she also spent the last 20 years watching enemies of the Clinton Crime Family spontaneously commit suicide. So it is with great amusement, but virtually no surprise, that today we are finding out that the folder into which Huma placed those incriminating Hillary emails, was labeled ‘Huma’s Life Insurance Policy’.
Ironically, I have been paying attention all weekend (since the James Comey announcement broke on Friday) to the liberal-progressive-DemoMarxist heads exploding all over the spectrum. It is hilarious to think that the guy they loved just a few months ago (aka James Comey) was their hero because back in the early days of July, even though he had evidence to the contrary, he supposedly didn’t find any incriminating circumstance of criminal wrongdoing by Hillary.
Even though that statement was couched within an out-and-out lie, the DemoMarxist brigands were happy and joyful, proclaiming it loud and wide from the pulpit of Obama restrictionism itself, in the form of one Josh Earnest pontificating in front of the restless White House Press Corps (“corpse”, as expressed by the commandeer-in-chief).
Fast-forward to the present, however, and FBI Chief James Comey is now viewed as Satan himself, labeled as a paid GOP operative because he has reopened the investigation after finding an astounding 650,000 e-mails on the computer of a pedophiliac sexual predator, partner to the closest aide of Hillary Billary Clinton.
Perhaps there is after all, justice in the justice department. Even though it belongs in the FBI. AG Loretta Lynch just invoked the Fifth, so that has to tell you something. Maybe she can explain it to James Comey?
Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. ~ Sir Walter Scott, Marmion
See also FBI Feud over Hillary Clinton Probe
Chicago Tribune Dems should ask Clinton to Step Aside
And Weiner’s Tale of Self Destruction
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