There’s a paragraph from Jerrold L. Sobel coming up in his piece titled “Oh No; The peace Process is Dead” in today’s American Thinker which goes: Likewise, Germany’s acting foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel chimed in: “unilateral U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel would inflame Middle East intentions”. One can only assume the foreign minister has been stranded on a far-off Island, unaware of the Syrian civil war, Hizb’allah taking over Lebanon, civil war in Yemen, Palestinian knifings and vehicular killings of Jews in Israel, ISIS, Hamas, the Taliban, and Iran acting as the puppeteer to all these nefarious groups. To him, recognition of Jerusalem will first “inflame the Middle East.” [end]
Someone please remind me whenever in the last 70 years, the Middle East was not “inflamed”. Barely 13 hours after David Ben Gurion’s May 1948 declaration of a reborn State of Israel, five Arab armies invaded its territory: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq, before being severely rendered useless by a rag-tag Israeli army using First World War vehicles and armed equipment.
President Trump has made a leadership decision. It’s a decision that had to be made because it is right and moral, against all belligerent opponents. This is what courageous leadership is about. Previous US presidents simply did not have the guts, moral conviction, and rational judgment to make this overdue move. The President should now follow up and give the knock out blow to the Palestinian office in Washington.
Way to go, Donald. Now get the embassy moved to Jerusalem. ASAP.
On to Sobel’s piece…
In the annals of Jewish history, following millennia of wandering throughout foreign lands as guests rarely accepted as natives, suffering privations too numerous to recount; December 5, 2017 will be remembered as seminal moment.
To the consternation of many, President Trump announced to the world his intention of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In doing so he will become the first American president to take that unprecedented step since the founding of the Jewish state in 1948.
Even before a planned speech on Wednesday proclaiming his formal recognition, the naysayers in this country, the customary anti-Israel cabal of European nations, and the Muslim World concordant only in their hatred of Israel have united in opposition to the move.
Federica Mogherini, an Italian politician and the current High Representative of the European Union, is aghast, stating:
“A way must be found, through negotiations, to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of both states.” What that way is after 69 years of wars, terrorism, and intransigent, faux negotiations Ms. Mogherini failed to mention.
Likewise, Germany’s acting foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel chimed in: “unilateral U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would inflame Middle East tensions.” One can only assume the foreign minister has been stranded on a far-off Island, unaware of the Syrian civil war, Hizb’allah taking over Lebanon, civil war in Yemen, Palestinian knifings and vehicular killings of Jews in Israel, ISIS, Hamas, the Taliban, and Iran acting as the puppeteer to all these nefarious groups. To him, recognition of Jerusalem will first “inflame the Middle East.”
Read to completion right here…
Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people since 996 BCE – for 3,013 years. The occupiers of the Jewish Land, Romans, Arabs, Mamelukes, Turks and Brits, turned it into a forlorn, dried, sterile land. Mark Twain, who traveled through the Holy Land in 1867, wrote: “No landscape exists that is more tiresome to the eye than that which bounds the approaches to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mournful, dreary, and lifeless. Palestine sits in sack cloth and ashes”.
Since 1948, Jerusalem is again the Israel people’s capital, notwithstanding the fury and sputtering of the naysayers, the customary anti-Israel cabal of European nations, and the Muslims’ screeches from their 58 countries.
In the meantime we experience the power of prayer in action: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
See also Daniel Greenfield: President Trump’s Jerusalem Move Deals a Blow to Terror
And Caroline Glick: Trump’s Great and Ingenious Gifts