One thing about having a good hacker on board (much to the horror and chagrin of the DemoMarxists) is the discovery of intrigue, infiltration, and corruption that is perpetrated everyday, at every level in a rogue government, the likes of which we’ve had for the most part, since the Clinton days; but more particularly within the highest levels of the present administration since January of 2009.
When the best that government money can buy permeates the executive, legislative and especially the judicial branches, all that really remains of a Constitutional Republic is the illusion of freedom.
As James Longstreet expresses it in his piece in American Thinker today:
Nice work if you can buy it. How much would you give the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to be Ambassador to Monaco?
Oh the promises Obama offered during that first campaign. A clean and transparent administration it will be, free from influence and lobbyists. Yet we continue to have delivered to us, via unforeseen and foreign sources, the truths of how power and greed move the needle in Washington DC. Guccifer, Snowden, and Wikileaks seem to provide the truths that somehow otherwise, and deliberately, are hidden from the citizenship.
How did one become an ambassador or even assistant Attorney General in the Obama years?
An article detailing the antics, and the money shuffle, provided by Zero Hedge reveals the following:
A large number of the largest donors (to the DNC) received senior diplomatic or political positions following the donations, ranging from UK Ambassador to Assistant Attorney General. The DNC released a statement pre-emptively claiming that this was the work of Russia.
Just exactly what was the ‘work of Russia’ other than the revelation of the truth? Those of us blogging snoop-dogs would yell “au contraire” and counter that the pay to play game is the dirty work of the DNC in all its corrupt magnificence, and whose work is in violation of the public trust.
Consider these few snippets from the latest document dump from Hackers Inc. (aka Guccifer 2.0) in Zero Hedge :
- It appears Richard M. Lobo’s wife, Caren Lobo, donated $716,000 to DNC. Obama then nominated Richard Lobo for Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau.
- Pamela Hamamoto paid DNC $605,000 then became the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva.
- Jane Hartley paid DNC $605,000 and then was nominated by Obama to serve concurrently as the U.S. Ambassador to the French Republic and the Principality of Monaco.
- Crystal Nix-Hines paid DNC $600,000 and then was nominated by President Obama to the position of United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization with the rank of Ambassador.
- Bruce J. Oreck donated $1,136,613 to the DNC and served as US ambassador to Finland 2009 to 2015.
- Robert A. Mandell donated $1,121,250 to the DNC; then President Obama named Mandell the Ambassador to Luxembourg in June 2011.
- Julius Genachowski donated $3,494,919 to DNC and served as Chairman of the FCC from 2009 to 2013.
- Karol Mason donated $856,000 to the DNC and Obama appoints her as Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs.
Wonder how much the ambassadorship to Haiti cost?
Would it be a stretch to say that the big money donors are sure to avoid a job offer in Uganda, the Congo, Sudan, Somalia or even now in Venezuela? How about Nicaragua? El Salvador?
I’m sure that when these pay-to-play stooges show up at the far more posh posts abroad as the newly arriving ambassadors, the hosting permanent US staff (already in place) recognize them for the stooges they are.
Take that Julius Genachowski above, for instance, donating a whopping $3,500,000 to the DNC from which he got a post at the FCC from 2009 – 2013. Where is the investigative reporting on him? What do you want to bet that he doubled his personal net worth in those four years, more than justifying this $3.5 million dollar donation?
Obama, so squeaky clean; positions for sale; pay for play. Monaco? I wonder what the ambassador’s residence is like? These positions come with hefty salaries as well, so you get rent free, food free, transportation and staff free for a great few years in a country of your bidding. Nice scam wouldn’t you say?
As mentioned above in my opener: “When the best that government money can buy, permeates the executive, legislative and especially the judicial branches, all that really remains of a Constitutional Republic is the illusion of freedom”.
Well folks, it’s true to say that we are already there and will remain there until the corrupt criminals are identified, removed from office, prosecuted, and severely punished.
But I won’t be holding my breath. As for the question above regarding the ambassadorship to Monaco? It cost Jane Hartley a contribution of $605,000 dollars to the DNC. And no doubt, countless millions back in return.
Stinks to high heaven.