Sometimes it’s what you don’t see, that’s most compelling and telling. For all the promises that Obama made from the day he was inaugurated, what we’re not seeing, is a president who makes a plea for calm and reconciliation while Charlotte (or any other place else, for that matter) is rioting, while letting lawbreakers know they will be arrested according to the law. There is a vacuum of leadership in the White House and believe me, Hillary Clinton isn’t the one to fill it.
Obama the insipid leader(?) made it clear within the first couple of months in office when he sided with professor Gates against law enforcement, that he viewed the police as a nuisance to blacks. This has since escalated with Obama’s tacit approval, as each black thug that has been shot, decided to face off with the officers involved. It will probably continue to escalate (as we witness almost every week now), as Obama reaches the end of his term. These maggots will want to get in as many free shopping days and other fun activities before the fraud leaves office, and we shouldn’t be surprised if it reaches the point where shoot-to-kill orders will be necessary to put an end to it.
America’s police officers are increasingly finding themselves in ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ situations and this is not going to turn out well. It seems to me that there is a significant level of behind-the-scenes organization that is driving these ‘protests’ where almost immediately after any incident you have people out on the streets – almost as if they were staged, ready, and waiting. And each one of these events further chips away at the thin blue line.
On the other hand, lawful protests should NOT impede non-participating, law-abiding citizens from the lawful and proper exercise of their rights. Lawful protests also should NOT involve any type of criminal behavior and that would include damaging property, looting, assaulting people/police, blocking public thoroughfares, etc. Law enforcement should have the authority, the wherewithal, and the full support of city officials to address situations where lawful protests devolve into unlawful, dangerous, criminal behavior. Otherwise, we are going to have much, much more of what we are seeing now and that is not good for America.
As for the Terance Crutcher incident in Tulsa, he was hardly the black choirboy (sound familiar from other BLM uprisings?) He had a LONG history of resisting arrest. Behold the rap sheet (full details in link below “Tulsa Truth about Terance Crutcher”):
- 1996 Shooting with intent to kill — Dismissed
- 2001 Petit larceny — Conviction
- 2004 Driving while suspended — Conviction
- 2005 Driving while suspended, resisting officer — Conviction
- 2006 Driving while suspended — Conviction
- Driving with open container — Dismissed
- 2006 Trafficking in illegal drugs — Conviction. (He was also charged in that incident with assault on a police officer and resisting, but that was dismissed.)
- 2011 Public intoxication (while in prison for drug trafficking) — Conviction
- 2012 Public intoxication — Conviction
- Obstructing an officer — Conviction
- 2013 DUI — Conviction
- Resisting officer — Conviction
- Open Container — Conviction
- Failure to wear seatbelt — Conviction
- Speeding — Conviction
But even all of that was not all. Take a look at the numerous open warrants for Crutcher. These Aug. 30 warrants were active at the time of his death, and as you can see in the graphic, they included things like DUI, resisting, drug trafficking and public intoxication. The media are actively pushing the narrative that Crutcher had his hands up and that the police shot him anyway. We’ve heard this lie peddled by the media before, in the Michael Brown case, and clearly the obtuse media didn’t learn a thing.
In closing, a stark reminder from where and whom, this whole mess of tearing America apart at the seams began to unfold:
“I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there’s a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.” ~ Barack Hussein Obama ~ Press conference, July 22 2009
Who injected race into this and every similar incident? Who stoked those flames? This stuff comes from the very top. The chief executive officer sets this stuff rolling all the way downhill until the entire nation is aflame with manufactured guilt.
See also Rush Limbaugh Transcript Second Term of BLM Rioting is New Normal
Rick Moran Media Calls Charlotte Riot a ‘Protest’
And Hillary Implicitly Blames ‘White People’ for Police Shootings
Silvio Canto, Jr. Does a City Burn Every Time?
Conservative Tribune on Tulsa Truth about Terance Crutcher Comes Out – It’s Bad for the Media
See what James T. Harris thinks about it all in The Panic Sets In .. Legacy Rant