Yates, party line politics, & Sedition

Go ahead, make my…

The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing.

All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal.

We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.

The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.

Now you begin to understand me.[end] ~ George Orwell, 1984

That passage from George Orwell’s 1984 could well be describing the present iteration of the Democrat party of the United States, the very same that has, of late, been throwing around far too many seeds of sedition into the fertile fields of mass insurrection, courtesy of funding from Gyorgy Schwartz-Soros.

Sedition is defined as “incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government; any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.”

The latest example was the arrogant anti-Constitutional stance taken by Party hack Sally Yates when she decided of her own volition to rule by fiat, refusing to defend the president’s executive order on the so-called ‘travel ban’ because she felt it was “not right.” She, along with many other identifiable DemoMarxist Party affiliates, is/are openly seditious and should face serious jail time. Remember that back in the 1950s/60s, traitors were executed for this same crime against the Republic.

As the Orwell quote illustrates, a government Party where individuals impose their own will on We the People is nothing short of tyrannical. What Yates did can be categorized as a soft power revolution aimed at denying people their right to decide how they are to be ruled. By her action, she demands a tyranny where she and her ilk impose on us deplorables how we are to live, what we are to believe, and how we are to think, which are long established liberal traditions. Rightly she got fired.

This is not new, by the way. Go back just a few years in the middle of the Obama administration, when the people of California (twice, I believe) overwhelmingly approved Prop. 8, which preserved the definition of marriage. Yet the liberal governor and attorney general refused to defend the people’s vote because they simply didn’t like it. Strangely, even though a huge majority of blacks voted for Prop 8, the liberals’ refusal to defend it wasn’t deemed racist. (There’s that Democrat Party hypocrisy again, that I highlighted with Chuck Schumer yesterday).

Another example is Obama’s Justice Department, who stopped enforcing Bill Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act because it didn’t agree with the liberal lawyers’ personal morality. Once again, even though blacks disproportionately reject the idea of homosexual and transgender unions, no one called Obama a racist.

Ayn Rand exposing evil…

And what about the liberal Supreme Court ‘discovering’ new rights for criminals, deciding that pornography is protected speech but the Ten Commandments aren’t, deciding that killing one’s unborn child is a right, and redefining marriage are all examples of tyrants imposing their will on the people through the guise of legal interpretation.

What makes these liberal rejections of the rule of law even worse is their massive hypocrisy.

According to the aforementioned definition of sedition, members of the one half of Congress whose party doesn’t hold the presidency could’ve been jailed at any point in time over the past 25/30/40 years. This is what our system of government has become, sad to say. Thankfully this past election cycle stirred the will of We The People to elect Mr. Everyman, a non-politician not stained by the longevity of party-hack service over many decades.

As many that are rightly opining that Sally Yates is a traitor, yet a better reason to drain the entire swamp is the revelation this morning that the White House is furious that private conversations that Trump had yesterday with two world leaders, Australia and Mexico were leaked by the Obama holdover anti-American Leftist Democrats at the State Dept.

Perhaps new Secretary of State Tillerson needs to send a strong message by firing every one of the seditious traitors at State who are actively attempting to overthrow the new Government before it’s even fully functional.

It definitely wouldn’t hurt, that’s for darned sure. George Orwell had it all planned out in detail as to who the perpetrators were.

Tom Trinko and “Trump Fired a Traitor” in American Thinker…

That sounds like strong language, but what else should we call government officials who rule by fiat, replacing the laws passed by the people’s representatives and the Constitution with their own personal preferences?

Her own words say she refused to defend Donald Trump’s executive order because she doesn’t think it is “right,” not because it is unconstitutional or illegal.

Isn’t a government where individuals impose their will on the people tyrannical?  If so, then what Yates did is a soft-power revolution aimed at denying the people their right to decide how they are to be ruled.  Yates wants a tyranny where she and her ilk tell us deplorables how we are to live and what we are to believe.

Of course, Sally is following a long established liberal tradition of tyranny.

The people of California overwhelmingly approved Prop. 8, which preserved the definition of marriage.  Yet the liberal governor and attorney general refused to defend the people’s vote because they simply didn’t like it.  Strangely, even though a huge majority of blacks voted for Prop 8, the liberals’ refusal to defend it wasn’t deemed racist.

Obama’s Justice Department stopped enforcing Bill Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act because it didn’t agree with the liberal lawyers’ personal morality.  Once again, even though blacks disproportionately reject the idea of gay marriage, no one called Obama a racist.

Continues in American Thinker…


See also Democrats Dig their own Grave

And the tragic but alarming This is what Democrats want for America

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