Treason from Dems rears its head…

Treason from Dems rears its head … Like many others, I’ve often wondered whether president Trump is indeed playing 4-D chess theory with all those enemies of his who are bound and determined to bring him down. I still don’t know, and likely neither do others. But it sure is interesting that just as all…

WashPo, Hillary, and Parkinsons….

Just when you think you’ve seen and heard it all from the ultra-leftist newsrags in outrageous sycophantic support of their anointed presidential wannabe usurper, up pops the uber-liberal progressive Washington Post (‘WashPo’ to insiders – they of the Watergate fix that rid the nation of Richard Nixon back in August of 1974) with a smarmy response yesterday…

The Idiot Rogue Fraud “president”

How about the author of this article (one, Dana Milbank) apologize to the American people for supporting the failure to adequately vet such a poor leader for the highest office in the land – the idiot rogue fraud “president”. Like the entire alphabet-soup lamestream media, this incompetent, inept, moronic idiot (words used by H.L.Mencken in…