Expose’ the overwhelming evidence

ex·po·sé … (ĕk′spō-zā′) … n. 1. An exposure or a revelation of something discreditable. 2. A formal exposition of facts; …  As in Expose’ the overwhelming evidence. There are a couple of telling paragraphs from Thomas Lifson in today’s American Thinker outlining the conundrum former (as of tomorrow) AG Bill Barr will have plaguing him for…

Presidential mien a nation at a time

As I mentioned on my earlier post, what the anti-American fake news media will never ever show you: While they squat sullenly in their ‘fake news dungeons’ conjuring up lies, lies, and fairytales of corruption and spewing hatred across the airwaves, the presidential man of We the (63 million) People is forging ahead worldwide, delivering…