John Kerry the meddlesome ingrate

As if the Obama/Clinton Cabal meddling in the attempted downfall of the Constitutional Republic of the United States isn’t enough, along comes another DemoMarxist America hater by the name of ‘Long Off Long John Kerry’, Viet Cong appeaser and complicit with Jane Fonda in selling America out to one of its enemies. John Kerry is…

Joe deGenova & Trump frame plot

This little dust up ‘shutdown’ caused by Chuck Schumer and his acolytes over the weekend wasn’t even round one of what is likely to be the epic battle over immigration (both legal and illegal) tagged on to the end of a far more important matter from Joe deGenova concerning a brazen plot from the Obama administration…

Cooling the unraveling climate data

Let me begin with these opening paragraphs on climate data from Principia Scientific International (don’t worry, link provided down below): Penn State climate scientist, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann commits contempt of court in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’ Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data for open court examination. Only possible…

John McCain outed as Soros mole…

As indelicate as President Trump was a few months ago, he was right when he said that John McCain wasn’t a hero. He was a bad pilot who got shot down. He did show loyalty though when he was offered release, but chose to stay with the rest of the men there. Too bad he…