Gropy Joe casting beams and motes

Now this is rich – VERY rich! What’s the old adage again about ‘don’t throw stones in glass houses?’ – Yup, that’s the one. Or another one is ‘there’s the pot calling the kettle, black!’ – And yet another famous biblical one from Matthew 7:5 that goes: ‘Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out…

Brennan, Barack, brutal brethren….

Understand right off the bat folks, that it wasn’t just the Barack Obama-era policies that damaged this country; it was his obvious and public disdain for those Americans who hadn’t voted for him. He alone is responsible for the current leftist practice of criticizing, belittling, insulting and denigrating citizens who don’t agree with his progressive…

Mueller’s muddy slip into ignominy

Mueller’s muddy slip into ignominy. As one like most of you, who has just about had it up to here with the scurrilous Mueller’s Deep State embedded moles, scurrying about and breaking the law in the process of attempting to smear the efforts of president Trump and his administration, I firmly believe that it is…

Flynn target of Mueller Trump hate

Flynn target of Mueller Trump hate. I cannot express my own thoughts on the topic coming up any better than from one of the best commenters on any of the comments threads doing the rounds on any given website, on any given day. This gem from the handle ‘truebearing’ in response to yet another brilliant…

Tarmac plane meetings and aliases

William F. Marshall, Patricia McCarthy, and Thomas Lifson all have related stories in Lifson’s American Thinker today on the witch hunt taking place against president Trump, with revelations from Judicial Watch (for which William F. Marshall is a senior investigator) piecing the entire puzzle together on the tarmac collusion between Mueller, Comey, the Clintons, Lynch, Obama,…

Mueller actively participated in plot

Continuing on from what I began in yesterday’s post (Consequential President stands tall) we have more clear evidence of Mueller and Comey, and Lynch, and even Holder’s dark past being revealed almost daily, not of course from the Big Media alphabet soup fake news outlets, but from the alternative media of citizen journalists, reporters and…

Witch hunt Mueller & sans which?

First off, I just couldn’t resist the glaring play on words apparent in my header. Put it down to my proclivity for outrageous pun-isms! Which witch will show up for which witch? What I can’t understand is how the congressional Republicans can just sit back twiddling their thumbs and allowing this bogus Mueller “investigation” to…

Congressional hearing witch hunts..

In preparation for his Congressional hearing, Robert Mueller is currently packing his staff with Hillary donors and lawyers, reason enough for him to be removed as Special Counsel as he cannot do an honest job. Additionally, according to Breitbart, “A more controversial pick of Mueller’s was former prosecutor and WilmerHale partner Jeannie Rhee. In 2015, according…

Comey & Mueller partners in crime

As if we haven’t had enough of James Comey and his subversive antics over the past couple of years, we must assume that the way everything going forward is shaping up, the odor of corruption will continue to fester for at least the foreseeable future. What would help immensely, of course, is if Mueller had…