Victor Davis Hanson ‘outs’ Obama

There’s a passage in Victor Davis Hanson’s piece coming up which he did for National Review a couple of days ago, where he compares the styles of the former, versus the current, president, which goes: “The Fast and Furious scandal was, among other things, about deliberate government gun-running of weapons to Mexico, perhaps in a warped…

Victor Davis Hanson on Corruption

A gem of a piece coming up from the always erudite Victor Davis Hanson who gets it right from every which way but loose. And that would be his scathing illustration of the establishment elites and their damaging effect on the Republic. The Democrat Party as it exists has definitely lost its way from the heady…

Obama’s Less Than Stellar Legacy…

Obama the Clown Prince of Fools will go down in history as the absolute worst president ever elected since the United States was brought forth by the Founding Fathers. He will forever be known as the most anti-American, terrorist enabling, Constitution-disrespecting, race-baiter-in-chief. For one thing, thanks to Obama’s open borders policies, the United States is being flooded…

America on the Cusp of God’s Grace

“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense.…

Heinz-Kerry James Taylor Duet

Heinz-Kerry James Taylor duet. Our nation is adrift in rough waters – there is no one at the helm and the ship is taking on water. The actions of the rogue fraud “president” Obama administration suggests that it is not capable of protecting the interests of the United States. Indeed, one could reasonably speculate that the…

Looks Like, Walks Like A Duck

What Jihadi groups have in common with domestic militants such as the Nation of Islam, the “New” Black Panthers, the original Black Panthers, SDS, the Weather Underground, and any number of Latino separatists (“The border is illegal, not the people who cross it.”) is that none of these groups want America to continue. They hate America,…

Obama And The Timid Generation

A few of my personal “points to ponder” as I direct us to the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson and his outstanding piece from today’s NRO addressing Obama and the timid generation. Obama, the rogue fraud “president” and Commander-in-Chief (HAH! – this nation’s biggest joke) is completely out of his league and too concerned with playing politics…