Hillary’s India trip no hiding place

There’s an old adage (if not, I’ll invent it) that says ‘when your butt is being roasted in the political oven and the noose is beginning to tighten, get the hell as far away from Dodge as you can’. In Hillary’s case she went all the way over to India, of all places, leaving ol’…

More on Ivanka and the JetBlue gig

My goodness, but the “Grapes of Wrath” came tumbling down and round following my post on Ivanka Trump being harassed on a JetBlue flight about to depart for Palm Beach, Florida yesterday, by a homosexual couple with a child. The ire and hypocrisy (to say nothing of the sheer vitriol) which filled my FB thread…

Obama The Racist Pop-Tart Imam..

White boy eats a pop tart and the crap hits the wall. A black-looking Islamic Muslim boy builds a “clock” that looks like a bomb and gets invited to the WH? No bias here. Living close to the “action” as I do which took place in Irving, Texas (former home of the Dallas Cowboys) a city…