Brennan, Barack, brutal brethren….

Understand right off the bat folks, that it wasn’t just the Barack Obama-era policies that damaged this country; it was his obvious and public disdain for those Americans who hadn’t voted for him. He alone is responsible for the current leftist practice of criticizing, belittling, insulting and denigrating citizens who don’t agree with his progressive…

Obama’s fate-sealed ‘legacy’ failure

There’s an excellent article in today’s American Thinker from radio host Rich Logis with a very appropriate header of “Why Won’t Barack Obama Go Away?” which is provoking some very astute comments from brainiacs I admire on the attendant comments thread. Having culled my way through the list I can assure you that We the…

Eric Holder the ‘holder and folder’

Now this is rich … Eric Holder, with ties to more scandals than anyone can imagine (going all the way back to his involvement in the Waco fiasco of 1993 – see link down at the bottom), spuriously spouting forth blaming the House Committee for a ‘cover-up’ in wrapping up the Russia probe because of…

Comey Comedy Show Trump’s win

The James Comey Comedy Show portrayed the character in great detail, a preening narcissist who seems to aspire to shaping history along the lines of that other infamous FBI leaker (covered up initially in the early 1970s Watergate saga as “Deep Throat”) later revealed as Mark Felt. Yesterday was not a good day for Comey himself, although the…

Black Policeman Stalien Goes Viral

Remember the name Jay Stalien after you come to the end of this remarkable piece which goes to the very heart of the Black Racial Industry and why I believe Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, Charlie Rangel, Elijah Cummings, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Barack Obama, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the…

O’Reilly And Black Lives Matter…

We all have our moments of contention with him at times, but giving credit where credit is due, Bill O’Reilly is showing a level of courage on the “Black Lives Matter” debacle that we will never see from any other media figure. He definitely does deserve a lot of credit for being willing to take…

A Clear And Present Danger

A clear and present danger. Look up the history of a 1960s British politician named Enoch Powell: He predicted that unfettered immigration to the U.K. by unassimilated people would result in civil chaos. He was smeared as a racist and bigot, but nevertheless, Powell was prophetic. Islam is the religion of war, and the peace will…

Obama – “Je Suis Poulet” …

Obama – “Je suis poulet”… True, patriotic Americans know that some high-ranking personage from our government leadership should have been in Paris yesterday. We have been leading the fight against terror since 9/11 and this little tantrum by an inept buffoon does little to demonstrate anything even close to resembling “leadership”. One of Obama’s top hate-mongering cronies…

Evil Dingie ‘Arry : OK Beheading : Eric Holder The Federal Dick

Even MSNBC is turning against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) otherwise known as evil Dingie ‘Arry. Morning Joe today going after Dingie ‘Arry and his hypocrisy over repeatedly criticizing the “evil” Koch brothers and other big-money Republicans on the Senate floor. Back in March, ole Dingie ‘Arry called the Koch brothers un-American, immoral, and dishonest…