Potential terrorists beget terrorism

Two weeks ago today in Manchester (as with the Westminster attack in March) a potential terrorist attack was about to unfold conducted by potential terrorists. Following the potential terrorist attack it was back to balloons, flowers, teddy bears, candles and “kum by yah”. Yeah, that would frighten the Islamic Soldiers of Allah. Except it doesn’t…

The Constitution and Judicial Fiat…

So now we’ve got Sally Yates in “judicial drag” as you might say, in the form of Judge James Robart of Seattle, a judicial ingrate (if that’s the word) appointed by Bush 43. ‘Democans’, ‘Republicrats’, what does it all mean anymore when a federal District Court political hack on the far west outskirts of the nation,…

Donald J Trump the Obama Legacy

Ed Straker gives full vent in today’s American Thinker on Obama’s effort last night to redeem himself from the past eight years’ demolition job on the United States of America. Of course it was all a barrel of lies and true to character of the professional Liar-in-Thief and his angst against Donald Trump; performing it in…