A Babbling President of Hysteria….

En Garde In The Bunker

En Garde In The Bunker

Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was buddy-buddy with Fidel Castro, and admired the Soviet Union. He took Canada from financially shipshape in 1968 (when he took over in the month of July as I arrived from Britain) to a debt-ridden, bureaucracy-ridden, socialism-encumbered, over-taxed mess for decades (the Montreal Mirabel Airport debacle ring any bells with anyone?) Now his Muslim socialist son Justin is Prime Minister so God help Canada. The nation Justin most admires? China, because of its “basic dictatorship,” which he feels enables it to “turn their economy around on a dime.” Clueless Justin took over from economics-savvy Conservative Prime Minister Harper in the fall of 2015. Harper left Canada with a surplus, but under Justin, that surplus is already spent.

Fast-forward to today’s version of Pierre Elliot Trudeau by the name of Barack Hussein Obama the socialist Prince of Fools faux president of the United States, hamming it up with fellow-socialist Mafia comrade Raul Castro while the world burns with terrorism. I can only draw two conclusions from Obama’s trip: either he cares more about his “legacy” than he does about the Cuban people, or he still thinks that he can change the world with the power of his personality and rhetorical hysteria. He’s either vain or delusional, or both. Either way, the Cuban people are the losers here. And that’s a shame because generally Cubans are good and decent people who have been under the communist hammer and sickle for 60 years.

Obama’s brand of Socialism: The “gift” that keeps on taking.

As to the “separation of powers” conundrum, the framers designed it that way to prevent the kind of Islamic Jihadist socialist tyranny currently being perpetrated upon the United States by Obama and his communist administration.

Consider this: “The executive power in our government is not the only, perhaps not even the principal, object of my solicitude. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. The tyranny of the executive power will come in its turn, but at a more distant period.” [emphasis mine] ~ Thomas Jefferson, Democracy in America

Obama’s brand of Socialism: The “gift” that keeps on taking.

Dear Lord! Why, why, why does this sycophant always turn to defending Islamic Muslims when he’s asked a question about people being murdered by these Islamic Terrorists? His goal is to eliminate ISIL? Then why did he, Billary, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia decide to supply them with weapons and funds to topple Assad and Gaddafi? Why did he drop leaflets warning them of impending airstrikes? How come a Texas plumber’s truck ended up in ISIL hands within a month of him selling it? Obama is funding ISIS all to topple Assad. He and Billary already got Gaddafi, causing a civil war in Libya where hundreds of thousands of civilians have died. And he did the same in Syria, but Russia stopped him in his tracks, preventing him from ousting Assad. Obama quite simply, is not a leader, but more a tyrant, seeking to create a stronger local government while weakening us abroad.

Obama’s brand of Socialism: The “gift” that keeps on taking.

The collective suicide of all white European nations is at hand. Through tolerance and acceptance they have brought in the very people who want to kill them. Whites and Christians are shamed into accepting people from cultures that do not respect theirs or promise to peacefully assimilate. They are being pumped in by the millions as crime and terrorism rise, yet whites and Christians who speak out about this are shut down with cries of bigotry and racism. As white Europeans continue to die at the hands of these monsters their governments continue to bring in more by the day without a second thought of the danger to the people who live there. When will they wake up and stand together against this threat? When thousands have died? When millions have died? Hopefully they’ll figure it out before it’s too late.

Obama’s brand of Socialism: The “gift” that keeps on taking.

So, if ISIS is killing Muslims more than any other people, then why don’t all the Islamic countries unite to wipe them out? The truth is that the sectarian conflict and competition for political power between Shia and Sunni has been going on for a long, long, time. This is not something new and is a problem within Islam itself. A reformation of Islam is sorely needed in the Muslim world if the peace process is ever to be accomplished.

And the answer is……

Just what IS (oops! ISIS) Obama’s plan? Seemingly he wants everyone to be desperate so that everyone will accept anything his party wants to do without question, as long as it is accompanied by a slice of bread. He figures that if he can reduce everyone outside his sick ideology of hatred to absolute poverty then his chosen few can make rules for a reboot. Sick.

Obama’s brand of Socialism: The “gift” that keeps on taking.

And one last time … Obama’s brand of Socialism: The “gift” that keeps on taking.


H/T Washington Free Beacon