Arrogance And Humility : An Obama/Mandela Comparison

Jeffrey Lord...

Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, an indisputable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers. ~ John Adams

This quote from Adams rings loud and clear, especially as it relates to the gadabout currently occupying We The People’s mansion. Jeffrey Lord, no stranger himself to the shenanigans of Washington D.C., provides a comparison in leadership ethics to expose the fraud for what he really is – an empty shell of arrogance, devoid of humility…

Barack Obama is one of the most privileged people on planet earth. He has never spent a day in jail because of some policy effectuated by either Hannity or Limbaugh, much less 27 years. Sean and Rush are simply conservative presidential critics. Yet when it comes to what the media is so busy lavishing praise on the late Nelson Mandela for — his efforts at “national reconciliation” — Obama is so far at the other end of the scale in dealing with his own critics as to be off the scale. Now let’s contrast this with the actions of President Obama as he deals with his own political opponents in America. Arrogance and humility continues…